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We have a worldwide network of partners and dealers who can support your needs. If your area isn’t listed, you can get in touch with us by filling out the contact form.
North America
South America
Asia Pacific
Africa and Middle East
USA | Bramidan US Inc.
311 W Gerri ln, Addison, IL 60101
Canada | Kernic Systems Inc.
5230 South Service Rd., Burlington, L7L 5K2
Mexico | Ciasa Comercial S.A. de C.V.
Agustín Yáñez 2062, Col. Moderna 44100 Guadalajara, Jalisco
Argentina | Grupo Tigre S.A.
Viamonte 2146 2nd floor, office A, 1056 Buenos Aires
Brazil | We are looking for partners
Chile | Compactech Ltda.
Poeta Pedro Prado 1689 Quinta Normal, Santiago
Colombia | CDM Equipos S.A.
Carrera. 49 A No. 91-20, Barrio la Castellana. Bogotá
Uruguay | Essen Ltda
Miguelete 1824, Montevideo
Austria | We are looking for partners
Belgium | KM-E bv
Zwaaikomstraat 21, 8800 Roeselare
Bulgaria | Altomo EOOD
39 Gurmazovsko Shose Street, 2227 Bozhurishte
Croatia Eko-Kom d.o.o.
Lucko odvojak 1, 10250 Lucko
Cyprus | S.H.F Trading
10A Hariton, Nicosia, 1026 Kaimakli
Czech Republic | Elkoplast CZ, s.r.o.
Štefánikova 2664, 760 01 Zlin
Estonia | OY Pakkemeister Hillman
Peetri Küla, Rae Vald Mõigu Tehnopark, Läike tee 7, 75312 Rae vald, Harjumaa
Finland | WL-Done Oy
Linjatie 5, 01260 Vantaa
France | Bramidan France Sarl
4, rue Georges Besse BP53, 78331 Fontenay Le Fleury Cedex
Germany | Interzero Baler Solutions GmbH
Wreedenschlag 8, 25488 Holm bei Hamburg
Greece | Inteko Ltd
Anapafseos 11, Vrilissia, 152 35 Athens
Holland | Bramidan Nederland B.V.
Veenderveld 118, 2371 TV Roelofarendsveen
Hungary | H-TRIÓ Kft.
Kondorosi út 8/b., 1116 Budapest
Iceland | Terra Einingar EHF
Berghellu 1, 221 Hafnarfjordur
Ireland | Bramidan Ireland
Unit 4 – Feltrim Business Park , Swords co Dublin
Italy | Falcor
Via del Canneto, 38/42, 25010 Borgosatollo (BS)
Lithuania | UAB Telta
Sukileliu 45, 50140 Kaunas
Norway | Bramidan Presto AS
Narverødveien 40, 3113 Tønsberg
Poland | Bramidan A/S Oddział PL
Ul. Łuczanowicka 27, 31-766 Kraków
Portugal | G. Hofle S.A.
Rua Agostinho da Silva Rocha, 846, 4475-451 Nogueira (Maia)
Romania | SC Schuster Recycling Technology Srl
Str. Al. Vlahuta, Nr 11, Bihor, 410086 Oradea Jud. Bihor
Serbia | We are looking for partners
Slovakia | Elkoplast Slovakia s.r.o
Štvrť SNP 155/72, 914 51 Trenčianske Teplice
Slovenia | NELCOMM d.o.o.
Miklošičeva cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana
Spain | Internaco Medioambiente
Internaco, 1 (Lg. Queirúa s/n), 15680 Órdenes (A Coruña)
Sweden | Cycle Solutions AB
Norra Skärvången 305, 835 63 Föllinge
Switzerland | Toel Recycling AG
Ringstrasse 14, 8600 Dübendorf
Ukraine | LTD Elkoplast Ukr
Maydan Zgodu, 6 st., Zhytomir 10001
United Kingdom | Greenbank Recycling Solutions LTD.
Sotherby Road, Middlesbrough, TS3 8BT Cleveland
India | We are looking for partners
Indonesia | We are looking for partners
Japan | SunMore K.K.
1-74, Hanshin Ryu-Tsu Centre Yamaguchi-Cho, 651-1431 Nishinomiya, Hyogo
Malysia | A-Plus Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
PT6307, Jalan Techvalley 2/1, Sendayan Techvalley, Bandar Sri Sendayan 71900 Negeri Sembilan
South Korea | Kwanglim Compact Co. Ltd
No. 587-129, Hagik-Dong, Nam-Gu Incheon 402-040
Taiwan | UniRecycling Environmental Co. Ltd
1F., No.271, Zhongzheng S. Rd., Sanchong Dist. Xinbei City 241
Thailand | We are looking for partners
Turkey | We are looking for partners
Vietnam | We are looking for partners
Israel | We are looking for partners
Saudi Arabia & Arabian Gulf | Equipment Environmental Solutions
Khalid Bin Waleed Street, Al Gethmi building 4th floor, office #16, Jeddah International Economic Center
South Africa | Akura Manufacturing
Engineering Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 425 7620 Paarl
Australia | Wastech Engineering P/L
33 Wedgewood Road, VICTORIA 3803, Hallam
New Zealand | OutputEnvy powered by A-Ward
345 Church Street, Penrose, 1061 Auckland

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    Trusted by resellers worldwide

    “Since 2006, it has been an exceptional experience distributing Bramidan balers. Their innovation, quality, and safety shine through in every baler, with features like the B- and X-series setting them apart. Beyond their products, Bramidan’s fast support, detailed training, and marketing assistance make them an outstanding partner. We are proud to represent Bramidan and look forward to continuing this successful partnership!”

    Tomáš Krajča, Managing Director

    Elkoplast – Czech Republic

    “The collaboration between Bramidan and Toel Recycling AG is characterised by a dynamic and exciting exchange. Bramidan knows how to actively involve us as a dealer and impresses with its global network. We are proud to represent the high-quality balers from Bramidan in Switzerland and to offer our customers first-class recycling solutions.”

    Alexander & Cornelius
    Toel Recycling AG – Schweiz

    “The Bramidan team has always been very supportive, they do not sign you up and leave you on your own. Their marketing assistance and product training are second to none and have assisted achieve our success to date. Bramidan has always been responsive with enquiries, delivery and product support. No problem is too much trouble for them.”

    Neil Bone, Managing Director
    Wastech Engineering – Australia
    “As we have entered the South Korean market later than many of our competitors, we have been forced to approach the market more strategically. After investigating our options, we decided to focus on cooperating with a company that specialized on a specific product line, in this case vertical balers. We were confident that Bramidan could help us reach a market leading position.”

    Kim Dae-Sik, Managing Director
    Kwanglim – South Korea